Heavy Duty Alternator

Tech Tip: Clocking a Gear Reduction 39MT Starter

The Delco Remy 39MT heavy duty starter rotatable flange models were designed specifically to improve service flexibility and part number consolidation. This Tech Tip explains how to rotate the flange.

Tech Tip: Relationship Between Alternator and Batteries

The alternator, the batteries and the cables each play an important role in creating a healthy charging system. Learn more about how the system works.

Tech Tip: How to Use a Voltmeter

In our latest Tech Tip videos, we show you how to use both an auto-ranging and manual voltmeter to perform basic system checks.

Tech Tip: Cold Weather Cranking

Winter months are upon us and with them come cold temperatures and “cold cranking.” In this post we explain the three factors that primarily contribute to cranking issues.

Tech Tip: Using our E-Catalog

Need to quickly cross-reference a part number? Check out our E-Catalog!

Tech Tip: Starter Drainage Holes

When installing a new starter, you must be aware of the location of the drainage holes. The location of the drainage holes varies from model to model. If the drainage holes aren’t in the right loca...